2022ko azarotik aurrera, merkatuko jokalari gehiago daude Kanpoko tolestura tauletan eta aulkietan Txinan. Txinan erlazionatutako enpresak 2.700 mahai eta aulki tolesgarri inguru daude. In terms of the scale of participation of new entrants, the heat of participants in China's outdoor folding tables and chairs industry has been increasing during 2012-2019, with a historical high of 514 new entrants in 2019. after 2020, the scale of new entrants has decreased due to the downward impact of the macro environment. Orokorrean, industria gogotsuagoa da gaur egun, parte-hartzaile kopuru handiarekin.
Posta: 2012-05-10 ekainak